2N2222A Bipolar Junction NPN Transistor is commonly used in general-purpose low-power amplifying/switching applications. Bipolar Junction NPN Transistor is designed for low to medium current, low power, and medium voltage, and can operate at moderately high speeds. It was originally made in the TO-18 metal can as shown in the picture. We have many other NPN transistors like BD139, BC547, BC548, 2SC945, etc.
Features of 2N2222A Bipolar Junction NPN Transistor:
- Use in a wide variety of electronic projects, the large 600mA collector current makes this transistor ideal to use it in your electronic projects to control relays, high-power LEDs, other high-power transistors, and ICs at the same time.
- 2N2222A can also be used to amplify audio signals, for example, it can be used in audio preamplifier stages and also in audio amplifier stages. It can also be used as a small audio amplifier or to drive a small speaker in electronic projects.
Specifications of 2N2222A Bipolar Junction NPN Transistor:
- Transistor Polarity: NPN
- Collector-Emitter Voltage V(BR)CEO: 30V
- Power Dissipation Pd: 500mW
- DC Collector Current: 800mA
- DC Current Gain hFE: 100
- Transistor Case Style: TO-18
- No. of Pins: 3
- Collector-Emitter Voltage Vces: 400mV
- Continuous Collector Current Ic Max: 800mA
- Current Ic @ Vce Sat: 150mA
- Current Ic Continuous a Max: 800mA
- Current Ic hFE: 150mA
- Full Power Rating Temperature: 25°C
- Gain Bandwidth ft Min: 250MHz
- Gain Bandwidth ft Typ: 250MHz
- Hfe Min: 100
- No. of Transistors: 1
- Pin Configuration: a
- Power Dissipation Pd: 500mW
- Power Dissipation Ptot Max: 500mW
- Termination Type: Through Hole
- Voltage Vcbo: 60V
- Audio Preamplifiers
- Audio Amplifier Stages
- Switching many loads at the same time (Thanks to its 600mA output in a small TO-92 package)
- Darlington Pairs
- RF Circuits
- Sensor Circuits
Package includes:
- 1 x 2N2222A Bipolar Junction NPN Transistor
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