The Arduino UNO SMD Starter Kit Upgraded Version Learning Kit is the ultimate educational solution for learning how to use the Arduino platform. It contains an Arduino Uno Rev3 SMD board, a collection of sensors and, Motors, led’s Dot-matrix, Lcd and many more which are necessary for very first steps with electronics into the world of interactive and sensing objects. Arduino Starter Kit is a great gift for kids ages 9 to 99. The Arduino UNO SMD Starter Kit Upgraded Version Learning Kit provides an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It contains all of the essential components required to start programming with the Arduino Uno board.
Specification of Arduino UNO SMD Starter Kit Upgraded Version Learning Kit:
- All-in-one kit, a great starter kit for learning to code.
- Microcontroller ATmega328 (SMD) – Interface CH340G
- Operating Voltage: 5V
- Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
- Input Voltage (limits): 5-20V
- Digital I / O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
- Analog Input Pins: 6
- DC Current per I Pin: 40 mA
- DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
- Flash Memory: 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
- SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328)
- EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328)
- Clock Speed: 16 MHz
This Arduino Electronic Component Package includes 38 different kind of electronic components and modules for use in Arduino, robotics, and other DIY projects. With a mix of sensors, displays, motors, and more, this package is perfect for beginners and experienced hobbyists alike. The package comes with a variety of wires, headers, and PCB breadboards for easy connection and customization.
Package Include:
- 1 x UNO R3 (SMD)
- 1 x USB cable
- 1 x 65 jumper wires
- 1 x 830 Point BREADBOARD
- 30 x led (Red, Green, Yellow)
- 30 x resistance(220R, 10K, 1K)
- 1 x 10 pin DuPont line(male to female)
- 1 x potentiometer
- 1 x active buzzer
- 1 x passive buzzer
- 1 x 74HC595N
- 1 x Infrared receiving head
- 1 x LM35DZ
- 1 x Flame sensor
- 3 x 5mm LDR
- 5 x Button Switch with Cap
- 1 x IR remote control
- 1 x one digital tube
- 1 x four digital tube
- 1 x 8*8 dot matrix tube
- 1 x UNL2003 driver board
- 1 x 5V stepper motor
- 1 x SG90
- 1 x LCD1602 IIC I2C
- 1 x PS2 game joystick module
- 1 x DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor module
- 1 x Water level measurement module
- 1 x RFID module
- 1 x RFID key ring
- 1 x RFID card
- 1 x sound sensor module
- 1 x one road relay module
- 1 x RTC module
- 1 x 16 buttons matrix keyboard module
- 1 x RGB three-color module
- 1 x 9V Battery
- 1 x 9V Battery Connector
- 1 x V240 high-quality Retail box
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